-age: 21 -eye color: black and white -weight (shoeless): 160 -favorite food: celery -favorite drink: blood -how about water? i like water -girlfriend: chombafone buttinsky -favorite movie: muppets take manhattan -favorite smell: anything burning -desired means of transportation: canoe -most embarrassing moment: the time i lost my pants at a krunchies concert -least favorite thing: playing drums -most favorite thing: shopping at jewel, and pvc pipes -if i could be anything in the world, i'd be…a deer -favorite snack: envelope paste -if i could change one thing about myself: I'd wear cleats more -what would you rather be: a snail or a tornado? would that be a shelled snail? an underwater snail, or the kind that comes out after it rains? i would have to say a snail in a tornado